Benefits of Rehab Therapy & Canine Massage
What are the benefits of Rehab Therapy?
Veterinary Rehab Therapy, sometimes referred to as animal physical therapy, employs a wide variety of therapeutic modalities intended to help strengthen, condition, and improve upon the neuromusculoskeletal functions of the body.
Animals of all ages can benefit from rehab therapy. Whether it is conditioning for a healthy athlete, strengthening for senior pets, or even orthopedic postoperative care, physical therapy can help improve your pet’s quality of life.

What conditions can be helped with Rehab Therapy?
General Indications:
Pain (acute or chronic)
Decreased Endurance
Decreased Range of Motion / Flexibility
Decreased Strength
Abnormal Gait
Joint Stiffness
Muscle Atrophy
Athletic injuries
Patellar Luxation
Soft Tissue Injuries - Muscle Strains, Achilles Injuries, Tendonitis/Tendionpathy
Medial Shoulder Syndrome
Hip and Elbow Dysplasia
Geriatirc Support Care
ACL Injury
Post-Operative Rehabilitation:
Fracture Repair
Hip: Total Hip Replacement, TPO, FHO
Spinal Surgeries
Balance Disorders
Hemilaminectomy and Laminectomy
Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)
Fibrocartilaginous Embolism (FCE)
Lumbosacral Disease
Increased Tone
Peripheral Nerve Injury
What are the benefits of Canine Massage Therapy?
Canine massage is a therapeutic discipline that involves directly working with all of the soft tissues of a dog’s body in order to assist the dog in achieving relief from a variety of physical and emotional challenges, including muscular soreness, chronic stress, and more.

Canine Massage...
Enhances muscle tone and range of motion.
Reduces inflammation and swelling in the joints, thereby alleviating pain.
Promotes the healing process by increasing the flow of nutrients to the muscles, and aiding in carrying away excessive fluids and toxins.
Creates a positive effect on the contractual and release process of the muscles...releasing tension...relaxing muscles.
Stimulates circulation by: defrosting frozen muscles, thereby releasing endorphins - the body's natural pain killers.
Helps to maintain the whole body in better physical condition.